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I agree that there does seem to be a very large number of disabled parking spaces in the village car park, and I don't recall ever seeing them all in use. I appreciate that it's really important to have them, but it does seem a particularly generous allocation when the rest of the car park is so often full.
As a contributor to to the bells restoration and a resident, in close proximity to the tower, could the custodian of the church clock attend to the problem with the quarter chimes, as they seem to missing one of their bongs, and I havnt got a clue which quarter it supposing to be chiming. The hour chime seems to be ok
Hi Bob- agree regarding the layout of car park and the double yellows in village but if your wife has parked on the end of the row by the bushes then she has forced people turning right on the car park to do so blind due to the obstruction caused. It also narrows that part of the road. All should be at low speeds so low risk, but a risk nevertheless. That's why there is no space marked there. I had to turn right in exactly that way, around a parked Land Rover type vehicle, and found myself "head on" to a car exiting. Ticket seems warranted if the spot your wife used is indeed the one I'm thinking of!
During term time St James Church has a group called Praise and Play on a Thursday morning at 9:30am. This is a place for Mum's or carers to come and bring their pre school children for a relaxed get together, a few songs, a story , prayers and the opportunity to chat.
With Covid we went onto zoom but weather permitting we have been meeting on the grass by church. Hopefully soon we will be able to go back inside and may even be able to reintroduce arty activities and refreshments.
Hello Nigel, Many thanks for the comments, most helpful. I certainly will be contesting the ticket my wife received, but it will cost her a packet liquorice allsorts!
Hello Bob
Not sure if you're planning to contest your wifes ticket. I did notice some time ago that the parking regulation board refers to T&C's available on Crewe and Nantwich B.C. website. As C. and N. B.C. no longer exists this might be a loop hole you could explore. I agree with your comment that there appears to be an excess of disabled parking bays. Maybe some could be marked as "Disabled Preferred" but usable by others when car park is at capacity. Not sure how it would work, just trying to provoke dialogue.
A French bulldog has been found running loose on Stafford Street – no collar
Please ring 07967003161
Hi Maria,
The Yak and the Anson are both owned by the same chap called Glyn. A few years back we had a radio controlled model aircraft club in the village, but sadly we lost our site and joined the Sleap Model Flyers based at Sleap Airfield, which is also the home of the Shropshire Aero Club.
A few weekends ago the Aero Club had a fly in for members only, we asked Glyn if he would fly over the Transport Festival, and he said he would!
If your husband is interested we have photos of the fly in on our Facebook page.
There are more photos of the Yak & Anson and other aircraft including the last airborne Hawker Hurricane from the Battle of Britain which we were allowed to walk around.
P.S If you didn't know, Sleap is produced 'Slape', I once left a note for the misses which got me into a lot of trouble..........."I'm off to sleap with Roger".
Thanks for answers, other half spent a happy time viewing video footage of these planes.
On Monday, her indoors went to the medical centre for her weekly blood test. The car park was full except for the area adjacent to the hedging at the end of the row of parking spaces in front of the medical centre. On returning from her test she was astounded to find a parking ticket on her wind screen. What was most frustrating is the fact that there are no markings to say that this area can't be parked on and she had parked behind another car, therefore causing no obstruction or danger to anyone, plus the fact that all the eight disabled parking spaces outside of the Public Hall were empty.
Given the significant increase in housing/population around Audlem and surrounding villages, isn't it time that the Parish Council reviewed the parking arrangements and the number of disabled spaced be reduced to a more sensible ratio in line with most car parks? Oh, to add insult to injury, on walking to the chemist to collect her prescription she passed several cars parked on double yellow lines and not one had a ticket! Mad or what?
I can say there should be a fly by tomorrow evening about 6.30 by the
Avro Anson. I will wave.
According to my husband (who is a plane enthusiast), the twin-engined plane over the transport festival last week was a WW2 Avro Anson.
The same plane (G-ROE WD413) also flew over the Party on the Park late on Saturday afternoon and the second plane that flew over was a late WW2 / Post-War single-radial engined Soviet Yak-11 (2-seat fighter-trainer) that has flown over the village many times in recent years.
Both aircraft are based at nearby Sleap airfield in Shropshire. Does anyone know if this was an arranged flypast?
Hello, is there any baby groups in the village?
The aircraft that overflew the transport festival was an Avro Anson.
Just want to say a big thank you to AST team and to all the volunteers it was great night and we look forward to the next one.
Good Morning Hannah,
Sorry the email address didn't work and it hasn't been used for a while.
I am currently chair of Audlem PPG and if you would send me a text on 0781 354 1972, I will send you my private email address.
Many thanks
I am sure there is someone out there who knows what the planes were that 1. Flew over the transport festival and 2. That flew over the Party in the Park. Thanks
Hi Jennie – welcome to Audlem
As someone has already pointed out this is an agricultural community and if the tractors are coming through the village at 9pm they're clearly knocking off early!!
Just wait until later in August and September when the combines are rolling – oh and in October maize harvest kicks off – 7 days a week and midnight is often an early finish with the guys kicking off at 6am.
Don't loose sight of the fact this work is putting food on your plate – and long may they continue. They were here before you were and they are working
Just to say how impressed I was to walk across the playing field today. Not a scrap of litter in site, in spite of two recent events! Several full bins implied that people had worked hard to achieve this. Thank you whoever, ADAS?/ ASET
I regularly report dangerous potholes in my locality using "Fixmystreet" and I have found it very useful as they check any progress with you regarding repairs and will automatically send chase-ups to Cheshire East if necessary. Interestingly, I came to report three more yesterday and noticed that although there are a number of problems you can select from for example: fly-tipping, street lights out etc. the option to report potholes was missing.
I contacted "Fixmystreet" who sent the following reply:
"Yes, it appears Cheshire East don't accept pothole reports from us, you'll need to go via their website"
I'm afraid that I have very little faith in the C E official website reporting site and it's often confusing or evasive replies. Reluctantly I'll have to resort to using it. I would be most interested to know why C E have decided to join a small number of other authorities who are not accepting pothole reports from third parties. I can probably guess though!
hi there, can someone tell me the correct email address for them please? Anyone know?
i have found the email on the leaflet in the surgery and called to check but when i email – its says delivery failed/server not found and bounces back???
i would very much like to contact them.
many thanks
The crack team that is ASET have just pulled off a back-to-back fantastic achievement of TWO village events. The first since 'you know what' rocked up. Festival of Transport and Party in the Party ... a week apart!
Amazing work guys ... thank you �'��'��'�
On behalf of the highly incompetent, dysfunctional Cheshire East Highways Department, I'd like to apologise to all those who had to return to their cars after Party In The Park through this dark, unlit alley last night. I first reported the failure of the light where the two alleys meet (Number7) on June 10th. 2020 ( No, the year is right). Despite several more reports and regular reports to Fix My Streets, nothing has been done. I'd also like to apologise on their behalf in advance to those who might be using The Scout and Guide Hut at night and, as the nights draw in, those school children using the alley on their route home from school. I suppose this is what you get from a Council that is not remotely interested in the safety and security of its residents, especially when they are such a very long way from Macclesfield.
I would recommend Tim from Astro Aerials in Crewe ; attends when he says he will, never does unnecessary work, not heavy with the pen and clean & tidy. Not more you could ask for really . His contact details ; 01270 850012 or 07751041156.
Try Stephen Rose. We have used him to repair a couple of antique clocks. Numbers 01606-554475. 01477-415091.
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