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Chris Spring on road closed

20th October 2021 @ 8:18am

Great idea of PC to open Turnpike field for car parking during duration of road closure.

Such a shame it is taking so long to permanently open the car park☹️

Sue Critton on Enclosed paddock to rent Audlem/Buerton

19th October 2021 @ 7:33pm

I am looking to rent a fully enclosed paddock in the Audlem/Buerton area. Please contact me on 07766201027 with details.

Thank you

Julie shore on White lining changes in car park

19th October 2021 @ 1:30pm

Having read both posts from David higham and Lyn Hopkins It was obvious Lyn Hopkins was being helpful to David higham I find your comments totally unnecessary and unhelpful !!!

Lynette hopkins on White lining changes in car park

19th October 2021 @ 7:22am

Rob Dickinson
If you care to read my post agin you will see I was replying to David Higham !
Two I never mentioned asking the village clerk I suggested he contacted Cheshire east as it is nothing to do with the village council . Hope that clarifies things .

Rosemary green on White Lining

18th October 2021 @ 9:32pm

Well said Mr Dickinson, I'm sure we can all see the Council is doing it's very best at the moment and perhaps needs our support rather than constant badgering

Olivia payne on FOUND- medium sized dog poo

18th October 2021 @ 6:27pm

Found a lost dog poo outside ours on woore rd. Fear not I've left it there if it's owner is missing it and wants to collect it. Medium sized and light shade, pics on request.

Christina Lawson on White lining changes in car park

18th October 2021 @ 5:21pm

Thank you David for raising this issue. It is totally wrong to remove disabled parking spaces from the nearest point to the surgery, and I expect that ADCA's medical transport team will agree. Although it would be possible to drop off patients nearer the surgery, this doesn't help patients who drive themselves but cannot walk far.
It may be that the previous 11 disabled spaces mentioned by Lynette are an excessive number, but reinstating the 3 by the surgery in addition to the newly marked 6 by the far end of the Public Hall seems to me to be the sensible solution.

Wes Lechley on Conkers Bonkers

17th October 2021 @ 11:04pm

Ah the redoubtable Mrs Tilling – you ask do I have "any idea just how much work goes into monitoring the Chatboxes and Articles" – the answer is I don't – I just judge by what I see and the old conkers myth has been debunked so many times I find it hard to believe it wasn't spotted. Of course, in the post-truth era people seem quite happy to believe and propagate any old rot they want as long as it suits their mind set, amplified as it is by repetition on social media. As to your "belief" that there was a ban in a school 2 decades ago, it's quite probable, but not because of any accident but because some schools bought into the "ban" nonsense, thought it was true and so implemented one. The only known accidents per se are from kids hurting themselves collecting them – climbing trees etc.
It did all provide a lot of fuel for the Tory Party propaganda machine at the time, however, who exploited it relentlessly and then when in power found there was zilch to actually change. It's a good job politicians don't do that sort of thing these days.

Rob Dickinson on White Lining

17th October 2021 @ 8:31pm

I think if Lyne Hopkins wants to know about the white lining and has issues with it she should ask the council herself, as I cant see it anything to do with the parish clerk. With the state of the village at the moment Im sure he has far more important things to attend to.

Ann Tilling on Conkers Bonkers

17th October 2021 @ 5:55pm

Have you, Mr. Lechley, any idea just how much work goes into monitoring the Chatboxes and Articles which appear on AudlemOnline. Also the ones which don't make the cut. Some of mine fall in the latter category as I do get somewhat heated about it. I dare say you are correct although I believe a couple of decades ago one school in Cheshire did ban confers in school when a pupil was hurt. Of course I could be wrong but if you point it out be less superior please. Personally I am much too depressed by climate and political considerations. However if anyone has a conker I will happily try to nurture it , my grandchildren may see it mature.

Les Wechley on Conkers Bonkers

17th October 2021 @ 5:48pm

Would have been good if the editors hadn't chopped a chunk out of the middle of my post – I know not why they chose to do so. The account from the headteacher, Shaun Halfpenny, who made up the story "The conkers-with-goggles story was a myth. I know – I started it" is here

The link actually given is to a page on the HSE website where loads of similar nonsense myths are discounted. Unfortunately all too many of the tabloids love to propagate this nonsense – as they say "never let the truth get in the way of a good story"

Elizabeth Hollinshead on Conkers

17th October 2021 @ 3:48pm

In the past three weeks I have noticed small piles of conker shells dotted around my garden. A friend has also mentioned this to me at her place. I presumed it was squirrels eating them but in your article you suggest not. What else could it be I wonder? I have never noticed this before and presumed that it was to do with always having a dog until now chasing the sqirrels off

David Higham on White lining changes in car park

17th October 2021 @ 2:43pm

There are only 6 disabled marked bays in the car park and they are close to the hall

Bob Fousert on Conkers

17th October 2021 @ 2:34pm

Yes Joy, you are more than welcome to come and collect as many conkers as you can carry. I have just filled yet another wheelie bin full of conkers. My garden is rich in horse manure (no pun intended)and is literally littered with hundreds of horse chestnut seedlings every year where I have failed to unearth the conkers from beneath shrubs. So No, I don't need to plant any , they do that themselves.

Chris Lewis on Turn, Turn, Turn

17th October 2021 @ 1:50pm

When we had the ducks we were regularly visited by mink. Rosie was a dab hand at setting traps for them, The result was more or less a balance between a few ducks and at least one mink per season. The best I did the year or so after she died was 3 youngsters over a period of about 3 weeks. A few days later a dead female was on the road, no doubt on its way to Billy's hens. Equally destructive were visits from polecats. In our experience mink kill to eat whilst polecats like foxes kill for fun. Sadly I lost all the ducks to duck hepatitis during the last year but have been rewarded by a magnificent Heron taking up residence

Joy Hargreaves on conkers

17th October 2021 @ 1:21pm

A better use for conkers ................. take a deep plant pot with soil, place the conker in it, water as and when necessary and in a year's time, with luck, you will have a baby horse chestnut tree. Transfer it to a larger pot in the second year, don't let it dry out and plant it in it's permanent home the third year. Chestnut trees do grow very large so choose the site carefully. A great project for children.

Andy Davidson on Turn, Turn, Turn

17th October 2021 @ 1:18pm

I thought it was most likely to be an Otter, there have been plenty of sightings along the canal and the Weaver and the brook would be a perfect corridor for them to follow. I understand Otter will also leave the remains of their meal on the canal bank especially if disturbed. Otter can out-fish mink and have also been known to kill them so one of the many benefits of their return is decreasing mink numbers.

Wes Lechley on Conkers Bonkers

17th October 2021 @ 10:56am

I see Mr Fousert is invoking the myth, which always surfaces around this time of year, that there is some sort of ban on playing conkers on the grounds of "health and safety". It's disappointing to see Audlem Online putting wind in the sails of this made up trope by repeating it – as a social media platform you have a responsibility not to spread misinformation. It's about as true as the bent bananas story. It all started as a publicity stunt by a headteacher – you can read his account here Perhaps the editors of Audlem Online could exercise a little more care before publishing this sort of misinformation.
It is however true that horse chestnuts are toxic, like some contributions to Audlem Online

Lynette hopkins on White lining changes in car park

17th October 2021 @ 10:05am

David there are meant to be 11 disabled spaces on the car park in the village . I suggest you see if there still is ., if not ask the clerk to contact Cheshire east . I agree the one place they should not be moving them from is by the doctors absolutely ridiculous !!

Dave Martin on Turn, Turn, Turn

17th October 2021 @ 9:59am

Most likely to be a mink. Not unusual to find fish remains on the boat moorings beside the Turnpike Field. Whatever it is has disgusting table manners! We've always put it down to mink (not uncommon on the canals), but never caught it in the act.


17th October 2021 @ 9:35am

Bob, here are some uses for conkers.
1. Extract aescin, an anti-inflammatory, for bruises and sprains;
2. Grind into Conker Flour, a Victorian recipe although comes with a severe health warning;
3. Put into wardrobe to ward off moths – the seeds contain triterpenoid;
4. crush the conkers and add to soap or shower gel as the seeds contain saponins. Popular among the Vikings!
5. Enjoy the colour and texture of the newly opened seeds.
There you are, hours of fun.

David Higham on White lining changes in car park

16th October 2021 @ 1:09pm

Full marks again to the the council department responsible for white lining recently in the car park. In addition to renewing the white they have removed the disable parking bays adjacent to the surgery entrance. This means that those people who have difficulty walking and need to visit the surgery, yes those oldies amongst us who need to visit the surgery usually quite frequently will have to walk 4 or 5 times as far as they used to. Solution those people giving them a lift will now park across the entrance to the surgery blocking the entrance to the car park whilst they help their passenger to the surgery.
Result frustrated drivers getting angry waiting to park their cars further into the car park .
Why didn't they remove 3 of the spaces from outside the public hall?
David Higham

ADRIAN LEIGHTON on Turn, Turn, Turn

16th October 2021 @ 10:38am

Nigel, thank you. My guess was that it was an otter. This is good news as Otters and compatible with Water Voles. This was my target for the camera after a probable sighting a week before. Alternatively our mystery visitor was a mink. That would be bad news. Mink and Water Voles not compatible. Otters displace Mink which is good news!

Cecelia Rose Bebbington on Go-too bus service

15th October 2021 @ 6:49pm

At the moment there are 3 buses. I would imagine if its proves to be successful they might add more buses.

Billy Gibbons on Turn, Turn, Turn

15th October 2021 @ 1:34pm

Might them there eyes belong to a Mink? Not seen one for years but, you never know. If it is and you get chance to have a chat; can you ask it if intends on replacing my hens it took off me all those years ago please. Having said that, it might not be the same one and even if it was, it probably wouldn't admit to the crime and, after all these years, I can't prove it. Might not have even been a Mink come to think about it. So, to sum up, don't ask probably won't know what your on about anyway.

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