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Celia Bloor on Welsh Drovers

28th October 2021 @ 6:19pm

I have just been told that a retired drover named Jimmy Pover lived in Hankelow. Does anyone remember talking to him or could ask one of the village's older residents if they knew him?

Stuart Conroy on Info on land owner

28th October 2021 @ 3:05pm

Not long moved into area (buerton) and we love it, I am a keen metal detectorist and have managed to gain permission from a few of the farmers around here to detect their fields but was wondering if anybody knows who owns the 3 big fields in Wood orchard lane with the big depression running through?
Any information or contact details would be appreciated

ken lee on Roadworks and closure

28th October 2021 @ 8:58am

I know the job isn't finished yet but the end is in sight and I would like to say how well this nigh on impossible task is being done. The organisation, minimal disruption and helpfulness of everyone involved is exceptional.
Look on the bright side, the lorries will be so much quieter going through the village and thank your lucky stars for being in a village in Cheshire and not Cornwall.

Gill on Missing Spaniel X, Sharkie..

27th October 2021 @ 2:50pm

Sharkie is SAFE & Well �'�😁...
A gentleman i know, followed him from a safe distance, to ensure Sharkie was making the correct, safe choice in direction) along Whitchurch Road... Sharkie then turned into owner's Parents ' garden, from where he had earlier ran... Clever Lad 🐾.... What an amazing caring community you are, out searching, sharing posts etc �'�

Gill Allen on Missing Spaniel X, Sharkie..

27th October 2021 @ 11:23am

Please keep an eye out for Spaniel X Sharkie, who hasn't returned home, since going Missing yesterday morning Tues 26.
Last Reported SIGHTING was by a van driver yesterday @ 11.15 a.m. on Green Lane, running up towards Audlem village..
If Seen.. Please do Not chase him, He will run,.. but call Owner Neil....
☎️ 07759 346670
Adult. Black & White. Full Tail. Neutered & Microchipped.
He Escaped from Property on WHITCHURCH ROAD..& HIS HOME is on VICARAGE LANE... He could now be anywhere.... Perhaps walking the canal, or running along field perimeters ? Perhaps Trapped?
Please Check your Garden Sheds, buildings etc.
Warden & Microchip Company are aware..

Dorothy Jones on Welsh Drovers

27th October 2021 @ 9:39am

Thanks for your interest, Bob. Wyn Jones(our speaker) and Graham Dodd have also produced a booklet on this subject – "Drovers, their history and visits to Nantwich". Several copies were sold at our meeting and proceeds go to Nantwich Museum from where it can be purchased.

bob fousert on Welsh Drovers

26th October 2021 @ 8:16pm

The History Society's report on the Welsh Drovers presentation, brought back to mind that there is a fascinating and most interesting book on the subject called 'On the Trail of the Welsh Drovers' by TWM Elias. This detailed book tells of the trials and tribulations of the Drovers which start with the tidal problems of leaving Anglesy in the first place (no bridge across the ripping tides of the Menai Strait in those days) and all the difficulties encountered on the 300 plus miles journey to London. The book tells how each trip is a major undertaking, not to mention also very dangerous because of the large sums of money also involved. A thoroughly good read.

Celia Bloor on Turnpike use during roadworks

26th October 2021 @ 5:05pm

My heart goes out to James, opening the gate so early only to find it closed again. I was glad of the chance to park there today so that I could walk to the chemists. Could have got round by the church today but tomorrow who knows?

Ann Tilling on Parking......general view

25th October 2021 @ 6:06pm

I must agree with Val about the reluctance of people to use any car park. It is a regular feature to find cars, usually cars, on the double yellows around the entrance to Kingbur Place making it difficult to gain access or egress. Particularly the latter as one has to pull out across the road, fairly unsighted. When I remonstrated with one driver who appeared to think that as he was still inthe car he wasn't parking and he would be gone in a short time so it didn't matter.
I can't really see a solution though.

Billy Gibbons on Turnpike use during roadworks

25th October 2021 @ 4:05pm

James; I'm sure it fact..I hope it is but, the comment "I opened the hare" must certainly be what the young folk call a 'typo'. If it isn't, you may well have a new business venture there! But, I won't be investing so......I've got gout.....sorry....I'm out.

I thank you...I'm here all week....

Wes Lechley on Turnpike Field

25th October 2021 @ 2:11pm

I believe that all too often people who don't like the views of others either assertively or forcefully put resort to calling them "vitriolic", "caustic" or suchlike and now the poster of them "bullies". One dictionary defines "vitriolic" as "full of bitterness and hate" with synonyms of "venomous", "scathing" or "acid". I've read through all the comments on the Turnpike Field issue and whilst some comments are assertively put I don't see that any meet those criteria, even if I don't agree with them. I do wish people would stop using such words when the see entries they obviously disagree with.

James McGregor on Turnpike use during roadworks

25th October 2021 @ 2:09pm

Hi all

I have been down twice today and opened the hare once at 5am then again at 9am unfortunately it would seem someone keeps closing it as soon as I can I will get down and make sure it is opened and the gate can't be closed I can only apologise for this

Julie Pitts on Companion and help within the home.

25th October 2021 @ 1:23pm

Could I also just add I have experience in driving vehicles which have been wheelchair adapted for anyone wishing to choose to have days out shopping, theatre etc. Thank you. Julie 07467 587456

Liz Pickerell on Turnpike use during roadworks

25th October 2021 @ 12:50pm

What happened to the promise of opening the turnpike field as a temporary car park during the week of roadworks?

The field is presently closed and I know of one village business suffering because of this closure.

Roland Turner on Turnpike Field

25th October 2021 @ 11:10am

Well done Rosemary and Trevor for speaking it in support of the people in the village that make or try to make things happen. When I first moved into the village over three years ago I expressed my thanks to people like Ralf and the Lord Combermere (and many others) for what they do for our community. I said that I always believe that there are people who make things happen, people who watch things happen and people who just ask what's happened. I now think I need to add 'and people who just winge about what's happened/ not happened. Oh and for clarity I'm currently in the watching category but not a wingeer (sorry about the spelling!) audlem is a great village wth many pro active people, thank you for what you do and for what it's worth the field is big enough for a car park and a wildlife / community are.

Julie Pitts on Flix in the Stix

25th October 2021 @ 2:08am

Following on from Celia Bloors recommendation re The Festival Hall Market Drayton. I can highly recommend this venue too. The staff are mainly volunteers and want to be there, very attentive, a wonderful cafe and extremely helpful. A lovely theatre showing films and live acts too. Definitely worth a visit. Up until recently I used to take one of my clients from Walgherton, she absolutely loved it there.

Celia Bloor on Flix in the Stix

24th October 2021 @ 4:48pm

Sorry I forgot Festival Drayton which as well as films has live links to London Theatres and invites personalities, pick up a programme at the centre across the road from Argos/Wilcos in Market Drayton, nice friendly cafe too.

Rosemary Green on Turnpike Field

24th October 2021 @ 2:24pm

And I wonder why there's a shortage of PC members, all they did was open the field for emergency parking and it's seems to have invited a barrage of vitriolic abuse when most the current members weren't even on the council when these decisions were made

Tony Brown on Connecting Sound bar /Tv/ BT box

24th October 2021 @ 12:48pm

My contact number is ......07725359088

Chris Lewis on Turnpike Field

24th October 2021 @ 11:28am

I have a huge regard for Bob McClintocks views. Sadly having run sheep on Turnpike field for many years up to 2014 ,the sad fact is that they spent about 70% of the time grazing the area designated to be the green car park. The lower part is wet in the winter and the grass is a coarse species not very palatable for sheep. In addition the top area is better sheltered in inclement weather.~

Tony Brown on Connecting sound bar to TV

24th October 2021 @ 10:15am

Help needed....I have an LG Oled Tv....a Sony sound bar (with subwoofer!!)....BT Box. I will gladly pay £20 to anybody who would connect the three together to make them work properly.
I live in Hankelow. Thank you.

Nigel Young on Flu vaccine day

24th October 2021 @ 10:06am

Well said Elisabeth. Totally agree with your message.
Thank you Audlem Medical Practice for all that you do.

Val Warner on Turnpike field Car park

24th October 2021 @ 9:48am

I voted to purchase Turnpike Field primarily to stop further major development. In theory, some sort of green car park sounds a good idea, but do I think it will stop the parking problems in the Village? No, it will not. Basically, most folk are too lazy to walk that far, and if they have the opportunity to park nearer, they will, wouldn't most people? If a car park is what it must become, then please ensure some sort of height restriction barrier is installed, as soon as possible, as it's winter parking season for 'travellers', and as soon as they get wind of an open, unrestricted access, I am sure they will be delighted to park in it.

Eric Leeson on road closed

24th October 2021 @ 9:13am

MINUTES OF MEETING OF AUDLEM PARISH COUNCIL (APC) 11 October 2021 – 128/21 Subcommittees – Turnpike Field Working Group
Cllr J McGregor reported that more than 20 organisations had been contacted regarding the building of a car park. Three organisations are scheduled to visit week commencing October 18 to provide quotes. A fourth quote is also expected.

Can you please provide a brief summary of the work 'Requested For Quote' by APC that the 4 organisations contacted by APC are quoting to.

Bob McClintock on Turnpike Field

24th October 2021 @ 9:11am

Havinig walked the Field a few times , I can't see what all the fuss is about . Apart from a couple of smelly ponds it doesn't see any different since it was owned by farmer Eric. It just seems to be a dog walkers paradise with a few wild flowers here and there. May I suggest the following action. Bottom end rent it out for sheep grazing etc . Top end green car park and dog walking facility. Of course these areas would have to be adequately secured. Use any income towards improving the playing field facility for the benefit of the younger people in our community

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