Audlem Ramblers Society (affectionately known as ARS) organises walks in the surrounding countryside or areas such as the Peak District; North Wales; the Lake District and Yorkshire Dales.
There are 2/3 walks per month ranging from short (around 5 miles), long (8 miles or more) to hard (8 miles or more with challenging gradients) .
The annual membership fee is £5 (to cover insurance and sometimes a society event). Non-members of ARS are welcome to come on a walk but are expected to join ARS and pay the membership fee after a trial walk or two
The Society is run by an annually elected Committee and all members are kept up to date by e-mails before each walk. Non-members can see information about walks on AudlemOnline. The ARS e-mail address is
All walkers must have suitable footwear and be prepared for adverse weather, carry water and be suitably fit for the various lengths of walk. Each walk is led by a nominated leader who will carry some first-aid equipment. The leader has the right to refuse to include in a group anyone who is felt not be adequately equipped.
The programme of walks recognises three grades of walk
These walks are normally about eight to ten miles in length and can include some reasonably challenging gradients but not much scrambling. They may involve quite a long drive from the village (up to one-and-a-half hours) and usually require a start from the Village car park at 8.30am or earlier. Walkers are expected to carry sufficient food and drink to last for the entire walk.
These walks are usually four to six miles long -- we try to pick walks which involve very little in the way of gradients or scrambling and don't involve lots of stiles. The usual departure time from the village car park is between 8.30 and 9.30am, and we try to make three or four of them each year entirely local so as not to require any driving -- if there is driving involved it will be limited to thirty or forty minutes. We normally return to the village for late lunchtime so there is no need to carry packed lunch.
Up to four times a year, with walks ten to twelve miles long with possibly some reasonably challenging gradients and some scrambling. They may involve quite a long drive from the village (up to one-and-a-half hours) and usually require a start from the Village car park at 8.30am or earlier. Walkers are expected to carry sufficient food and drink to last for the entire walk.
To see the current schedule of walks, click on the file link below.
The membership form as well as the definition of the "boot ratings" for the different levels of ARS walks, are available by clicking on the file links below.
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