Once again it's time for the Public Hall 20-week draw. Tickets will soon be available from all committee members: Geoff Cope, Kate Down, Margaret Edwards, Richard Furber, Frank Gillies, Roland Hall, Lesley Higham, Brian Lightfoot, Janet Morgan, Ruth Pryce, Geoff Seddon, Janet Simmons, Geoff and Olive Stretch and John Tilling.
As in previous years the tickets cost £10 – that's just 50p per week. The first draw will be made at the Spring Ball on Saturday February 23rd. Each week for the first 19 weeks there will be three prizewinners of £10. In the final draw on July 5th, there will be four lucky winners. The top prize is £250, 2nd prize is £150, third £100 and fourth £50.
All proceeds go to the upkeep of the Public Hall. Since 2002 the Hall has been transformed with almost £140,000 being spent on improvements. Of this amount, almost £94,000 has come from grants with the remainder coming from fund-raising events and donations. The committee are planning to carry out further improvements to the entrance, the bar and the kitchen in the near future.
So, if you fancy a chance to win some money, whilst at the same time supporting this essential village amenity, do approach one of the committee and ask for a draw ticket. They'll be only too pleased to oblige.
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