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Wrenbury & District Model Railway club

2nd February 2024 @ 6:06am – by David Houghton secretary WDMRC
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Wrenbury & District Model Railway club

Congratulations to the Wrenbury & District Model Railway club as they celebrate their 10th birthday on the 29th of January.

From just twelve members when they formed to over twenty now, it is great achievement. In 2023 they gained their first female member who specialises in scenery and fine detail to add to the variety of skills they have across their membership.

The club now models in 00 gauge, N gauge and 0 gauge with their latest project being a 009 gauge layout named Cannon's Wharf in honour of a past member. They are able to take layouts out to various shows and exhibitions now that they own a liveried trailer.

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At two shows last year they were awarded 'Best in Show' by the show organisers and at one on the second day, the 'Peoples Choice' award as voted by the visitors.

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Their aim is and always has been, to encourage people of any age and ability to take up the hobby and to pass on the knowledge and skills the members have. This philosophy shows in the number of members who joined as 'beginners' and one or two now take part in exhibitions around the country.

Club members finished 2023 in style with a trip to Blakemere Craft Village to view and operate Making Tracks 3, the layout constructed by Pete Waterman and his Railway Nuts for Chester Cathedral last Summer.

Pete hosted the event which was enjoyed by the eighteen who attended this private evening session. The club secretary David Houghton says they would welcome invitations from schools and other village halls to arrange demonstrations of the various items they run.

Club meetings are every Wednesday evening in the village hall Wrenbury between 7 and 10pm, more details can be found on their website or on their Facebook page. Their Open Doors event is scheduled for the 5th and 6th of July where they look forward to meeting the many members of the public who have attended in previous years.

David Houghton secretary WDMRC

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