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'Welsh' vote final result!

29th May 2008 @ 6:06am – by Audlem Webteam
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A new Vote Poll is underway asking a vital question: "Do you think it's important for Audlem to retain its own GP practice?" This follows concerns raised by the Audlem Medical Practice on Audlem Online on 20th May detailing how GP services may be provided in future by commercial companies and through 'polyclinics' staffed by 25 or so GPs. Vote now – the early results show just how important this facility is to Audlem. Out of the first seventy votes cast, just one person has voted 'No'.

The last Vote Poll was, of course, on whether Audlem should apply to be part of Wales. It resulted in a strong 'Yes' vote – the result was:

'Yes' 767 votes (65%)

'No' 388 votes (33%)

'Undecided' 19 votes (2%)

Total vote – 1,174.

We suspect a good number voting were from outside Audlem but it was certainly an interesting result, and one that has attracted attention literally across the world.

While virtually everyone treated the vote in the light-hearted way it was intended, some people did take it rather more seriously. Obviously, if a small number of local people were upset, we apologise, and repeat that it always was a spoof, albeit with a serious point behind it.

The story certainly put Audlem on the map, attracted much coverage – several national newspapers described Audlem as an 'idyllic English village' – and many visitors to the village have mentioned the story and seemed amused. As April Fool stories go, it will take some beating next year!

Meanwhile, the Audlem Cancer Research Support Group have captured the fun of the story with a new poster for their fund-raising event on 7th June. They say: "Cymorth Audlem I Ymchwil Cancer, Sadwrn, Mehhefin 7fed 2008 – Gardd agored a Ffairyn, The Willows, School Lane, Audlem (School Lane agos i'r Swyddfa Post) – 10.00am – 3.00pm

Gwerthiant Planhigion – Cacennau, Dilladau, lliain, gemwaith, Bric-a-Brac, CDs, DVDs, Jigso & Gemau, Hefyd, Lluniaeth, Ysgafn a faffl – Mynediad 50c.

(Plant dan 10 oed am ddim. Mynedfa hwylus i gadair olwyn. Dan do ar y glaw)Ychydig o le parcio, defnyddiwch faes parcio'r pentref. Rhaid I blant fod dan ofal oedolyn. Dym cwn ar wahan I gwn tywys. Am fwy o fanylion neu i gynnig cymorth neu rodd cysylltwch a 01270 811253."

Many thanks to Roy Plume and team – we hope you have a great day on the 7th June – and lots of visitors from Wales turn up as well as many local residents.

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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