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Vintage Kitchen at Oxtail & Trotter

22nd November 2012 @ 7:07am – by Kate Pocock
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You can still put a delicious home-cooked meal on the table.

We are delighted to announce the imminent arrival of a new product range that will delight the busy population of Audlem and the surrounding villages!

Lou Gilmour is about to launch a new business called The Vintage Kitchen that will provide a range of homemade prepared meals for your freezer.

The Vintage Kitchen have many of the same ideals as Oxtail & Trotter: they look to source ingredients as locally as possible without compromising on quality; so much so that you can trace the main ingredients for each individual meal on their website. How ingenious is that?

Of course, we will be helping Lou in this quest for traceability from field to fork by supplying her with many of the ingredients she needs.

The range includes: Sticky Spiced Ginger Pork; Lamb Tagine; Beef & Ale Stew with Horseradish Dumplings; and Four Cheese & Broccoli Macaroni.

Oxtail & Trotter have been very much involved in the sampling process of this exciting new business and can confirm that they are indeed as delicious as they sound – all of the taste and none of the nasty preservatives and colourings that go into so many of the mass-produced ready meals.

These meals are made using traditional methods, a little elbow grease, a 'ladleful of love' and are then blast frozen to ensure that you retain all the goodness and flavour that has gone into them.

The Vintage Kitchen puts time, effort and attention into home cooking that the normal busy, modern lifestyle doesn't allow. 

The Vintage Kitchen are launching their new range of homemade meals this Saturday morning at Oxtail & Trotter. Lou will have samples at the ready, so we welcome you to come and join us for the usual Saturday chaos (and banter!) at Oxtail & Trotter this weekend.

Hugh is on duty this Saturday along with the main man Simon, his apprentice, Jake and the lovely Hollie!

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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