As my report to the recent Audlem PC meeting, held on 12 June, isn't summarised on the published minutes, I hereby share for your information.
Further to the recent CEC elections, I am honoured to be elected as the Audlem Ward Councillor.
Whilst the number of independent seats reduced, they continue to hold the balance of power between the two main parties and have again support the Labour Group to form an administration.
This means that the Budget set in February, including the further 0.8 million reduction to the highways budget, is enacted. The garden waste bin charging policy is also well underway and I will update when I return from annual leave.
Whilst repair works at Green Lane are included in the current years Highway Improvement Programme, I understand that further delay is likely due to a request from the environmental agency for further assessment of the stream to be carried out. I will update once I have confirmation of that.
(You can read the Highways Improvement Programme by clicking on the link below the photo).
Responsibility of the vital works required at the Old Railway Bridge, Swanbach have moved from Highways to the Bridges Team, not that it changes the funding position; I continue to lobby for these works.
I believe there are two ways to influence spend in a council, one is to 'petition' or another is as two parishes in Audlem Ward have done -- join with others to set up a parish/highway engagement group; perhaps APC could consider a future agenda item and if so in advance draw on the experience of those parishes who already have this function.
Finally I don't believe APC have yet considered the request from the Traders & Tourism Group for their administrative support in relation to 'Welcome to Audlem Signage' and I would be grateful if I can either be updated as to progress or consideration to an urgent agenda item be made.
I look forward to attending the July meeting.
Cllr Rachel Bailey
Audlem Ward
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