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Travel Treats and Talents!

5th November 2015 @ 6:06am – by Rebecca Jewwitt
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Ed: The half term holidays intervened on this newsletter, however this now brings us up to date with the wonderful activities at St. James school. Many thanks to Beccy and team

Travels, Treats and Talents!

Monday saw our Year 5 and 6 children heading off to Standon Bowers for their
residential. By the time I visited them on Monday evening, they were full of stories of
caving, archery and low ropes and were busy preparing for night walks and egg

We welcomed them back to school on Wednesday, tired but very happy after their
adventures! I was delighted to hear how well they had worked together and challenged
themselves over the three days. Well done to all of the children and adults who went on
this trip – you all tried lots of new things and were great ambassadors for our school.

Our Wonderful Worship Leads lead our worship yesterday reflecting on Harvest and
sharing 'Bags of Hope' with the children in school which each child will bring home this
week. The children were enthusiastic as they led the worship and I know Miss Danha
was very proud of them all.

We were treated to a wonderful Rugby Themed Lunch on Thursday with children and
staff trying out flavours from some of the countries in the World Cup. Many thanks to
Mrs Hayward for all of the time and effort she put into this special event.
This week's Praise Book children are:

  • Mrs Hayward's Class – Brooke Langley & Florence Meredith
  • Miss Danha's Class – Amelia Thomas
  • Mrs Richardson's and Mr Morrey's Class – Benji Cole
  • Mrs Stoker's Class – Esme Javens
  • Mr Perry's Class – Lily Grange
  • Mrs Bird's Class – James Cottrell

Congratulations to you all!

Tidy Team -The winning class this week is Sapphire class – well done!
The winners of our Attendance Cup this week are Amethyst and Ruby classes- well done!

School Dinner Menu – We will be serving week 1 menu next week
Prayers to Share this week – We pray that all of our school community enjoy a healthy,
happy and safe half term break.

Sporting News
Our football team played their first home game against Pear Tree Primary School last
Friday and although they narrowly lost 2-1, the team put in another performance to be
proud of, well done to you all!

Final call for all Spooky Disco dancers! This special FASA event is on Sunday 1st
November. Remember to book your places, as these are limited.
Please contact Lorna Saunders (07801238819) or Deborah Varley (07940914639) to book a place.

A reminder that FASA will be holding a Non uniform day on Friday 20th November to collect for
'Big Switch On' Tombola donations of bottles or chocolates for their stall in the village the
following week. Please support this if you can.

ABC Childcare
ABC's theme this week is Old Macdonald's Farm as well as getting the children in the mood for
Halloween and creating some fabulous decorations.
ABC's Halloween themed holiday club is planned to give the children a spooktacular time! Don't
forget to book your places with direct with ABC.

Dinner and Snack Monies
Unfortunately, due to an increasing number of arrears on snack and dinner money accounts, we
will be unable to carry any arrears forward to next half term as this is having an impact on
school budget and how we can use funds in school to support children's learning.

Therefore, any accounts which have outstanding balances as of Monday 2nd November will not have additional
snacks/dinners provided until payments are made in advance. Snack payments for next half
term are £8.50 and should be paid in advance. Dinner payments should be paid weekly or half termly; the current cost of a school meal is £2.20.

Mrs Howard has sent balance letters out to all families with outstanding balances this week; please ensure you contact one of the office
team to arrange payment or to discuss this matter further. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.

Uniform Checks
We have had a number of named jumpers and cardigans taken home by the wrong children by
mistake over recent weeks. Please help to ensure that all uniform items are returned to the
correct child by checking all jumpers and cardigans you have at home over the half term break
and returning any that are not your child's. Please also ensure that all items of clothing, including
coats are labelled with your child's name for the start of the new half term. Thank you.

Bug Busting!
Head Lice are in all schools and we will never eradicate them entirely, however, to start our
new half term off well, I would like to ask all parents and carers to once again find time for 'Bug
Busting' during the break and ensure that they check their child's hair before we return to

Argos Toy Exchange
This Christmas, Argos will be running the 'Argos Toy Exchange' campaign in their stores. The
scheme encourages families to donate once loved toys to help some of the most disadvantaged
children in the UK. The seven week campaign runs throughout October ending on 20th November.
I am attaching a flier about this special scheme to this week's newsletter and hope you can find
time in your pre-Christmas clear outs to support this worthwhile scheme. Thank you.

I would like to wish you all a wonderful half term and look forward to welcoming the children
back to school on Monday 2nd November.
R Jewitt

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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