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Three Projects in Two Hours

30th September 2020 @ 6:06am – by ADAS
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Three Projects in Two Hours

How did ADAS manage to get three projects done in two hours? With amazing volunteers, that's how. Plus the current Government rule-of-six – so we had to spread out.

Saturday 26 Sept saw us making a start on the Methodist Church beds/troughs project, which involved moving all of the current plantings out of the two front beds and re-purposing them across the Doctors' surgery garden and the flat garden attached to the Public Hall. The Methodist project will be ongoing for a while and will look fabulous when completed.

ADAS has taken a big hit to the purse strings this year due to cancellation of all of our usual fundraising activities. So while we are short of income, and need to manage expenditure, we can – with the help of our volunteers – do our best to make the village as shiny as we can.

Our next project will involve taking out the summer bedding plants and getting ready for Autumn/Winter planting. After that, it will be Christmas trees, sorry, mention of the 'C' word before Bonfire night is usually frowned upon by many.

Thinking on – will Boris allow us a Bonfire night?

If you'd like to volunteer with ADAS for all things trees and flowers and stuff, please do get in touch with us.

Suzie Warren 07809 476523

Neil Goodyear 07564 243996

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