The Audlem & District Amenities Society (ADAS) has expressed concern about a threat to the giant Copper Beech tree in Audlem village centre because of the planned Muller development alongside the tree. In a letter to Alan Millington, the Borough planning officer at Crewe & Nantwich Council, ADAS say they have noted that the tree survey relating to the Muller planning proposal "recommends crown reduction" of the Copper Beech. ADAS says this is totally unacceptable and protests most strongly that such a beautiful amenity must not be butchered in this way.
The planning submission also states that "the building can be accommodated without considerable damage to the large Copper Beech tree". The ADAS letter says that the tree is such a major feature of life in Audlem that no "crown reduction" should take place and asks for the Borough Council's support in ensuring no such action is taken.
So, watch out in case there's a saw about!
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