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Threat to Luncheon Club

2nd April 2010 @ 7:07am – by Audlem Webteam
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Audlem Online received a message from Joyce yesterday on the Chatbox. Her message is troubling so we are running it as a news story also. Joyce says:

Every Tuesday, a group of Audlem senior citizens gather to have a chat, fun, laughter and companionship over a meal at a luncheon club. The meal is organised and cooked under the auspices of Age Concern aided by volunteers (of which I am one). The meal by the way is not free, the recipients pay for it.

I have just read in the Sentinel that the Audlem club, along with similar clubs in neighbouring villages, is to be disbanded.

I can only comment on the Audlem club but it is always well attended and its users say what a marvellous time they have and how much they look forward to it.

Based on my first hand observations, I feel it would be a retrograde step if this facility were to be taken away. If you care about the quality of life the senior people of our village enjoy, please lobby anyone you can think of who can bring pressure to bear in whatever quarter is relevant to have this unfortunate decision reversed.

You can, for example, email jill.Walter@ageconcerncheshire.Org.Uk">jill.Walter@ageconcerncheshire.Org.Uk

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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