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Thornton House redevelopment

31st January 2013 @ 7:07am – by Roger Millns, ADCA Chair
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On Monday of this week, Wulvern Housing met with residents of Thornton House and the surrounding bungalows to discuss the redevelopment of the site which is now definitely planned to take place over the next two years.

Importantly, Wulvern Housing stressed to Thornton House residents that they would be given every assistance and support in being relocated to suitable alternative accommodation over the next few months. They were also reassured they would be given first priority to return to the new accommodation when is it completed in 2015.

Rural Housing needs survey

Importantly for Audlem, Wulvern Housing also commenced consultation on the different options for the rebuilt facility which they are considering and on which they want people's views. This consultation ties in nicely with the current Rural Housing Needs Survey with Audlem Parish Council are undertaking in partnership with Audlem & District Community Action (ADCA).

The questionnaire contains four questions at the end which ask for people's views and possible future need for affordable, supported housing within the Thornton House redevelopment.

The options being considered include replacing the current eight bedsits with eight bungalows or developing a two storey complex with thirteen flats with a lift and communal facilities or a larger twenty six unit two storey complex. The number and type of accommodation units will also depend upon the future need for supported housing being demonstrated within the Rural Housing Needs Survey.

Facilities for ADCA Day Club

The Parish Council, ADCA and Wulvern Housing are working closely with Cheshire East Council to try to ensure there is additional funding for the inclusion of a communal lounge and kitchen, as now, so that ADCA's Day Club and Coffee Clubs can continue and new services planned can be developed, including a luncheon club.

Please complete the questionnaire

It is crucial, therefore, that the people of Audlem express their views. The Parish Council and ADCA are encouraging people to fill in the questionnaire, including the section at the end on Thornton House redevelopment. The questionnaires have already been delivered to households and will be collected within the next week or can be dropped
off at Audlem Post Office by the 8th February, 2012.

Further Consultation

Further consultation will be taking place during February and March 2012 along with an opportunity to look at the sketch plans of the building options being considered.

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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