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Storm clouds

30th June 2016 @ 6:06am – by An Audlem Resident
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Appeal to Planning Application 15/5761N land to the south of Mill Lane

This is a picture taken from Mill Lane Bridleway looking towards the Baptist Church and the Salford Conservation area. This is a view enjoyed by the many villagers and visitors who walk and ride along this beautiful bridleway.

The field in the foreground is the subject of a planning application to build two houses. This application, 15/5761N, was refused by Cheshire East on two grounds:

  • The proposed access onto Mill Lane is not suitable for further development. The proposal would therefore have a significant adverse impact on highway safety
  • The development is in open countryside and therefore against policies within the Local Plan and Audlem Neighborhood Plan.

The developer has now appealed this decision and in their submitted documents they have tried to mitigate against these two reasons for refusal.

Should the appeal be successful the second picture shows a representation of what the view from Mill Lane may look like with the proposed houses.

As a village we have spent at lot of time and effort producing the Audlem Neighbourhood Plan. To uphold this, to protect the Mill Lane bridleway and its users, and to prevent one of the village's most iconic views being obscured by what is likely to be two new executive houses, I encourage you to read the appeal documents and enter your own submissions before the deadline for submissions of 20th July 2016.

The appeal and associated submissions can be found here: or cut and paste the following link:

Should you wish to comment on the appeal, it is to be by letter, in triplicate, to:

Reference APP/R0660/W/16/3149914
Planning Inspectorate,
Temple Quay House,
2 The Square,
Temple Quay,

AudlemOnline adds: The author of this article has provided their name and address to the web team.

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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