We trust nobody will mind us celebrating the splendidly renovated stone steps leading up to St James' church with the title of one of the greatest rock songs of all-time – that's the Led Zeppelin version, by the way, not Rolf Harris'!
The extensive renovation work was necessary because the steps, we are told, had moved two or three inches (5 – 7.5 cm) from the church mound, assuming of course it wasn't the mound that had moved from the steps!
You can click on the photos to enlarge them and see the work in more detail.
Our second photo from a couple of weeks ago – taken just days after the church had enjoyed one of its busiest Saturdays with three weddings being celebrated – shows work underway by Audlem contractor Dylan Jones with the whole area of the steps dug out.
Many have commented in recent days about the skilful restoration and we are pleased that Dylan's advertising sign is still showing in the top photograph.
While working the steps, Dylan also restored the stone ball to its rightful place on the right-hand pillar – attracting naturally the inevitable 'Ball's Up' headline on Audlem Online last Friday.
It was a complex operation, as our third photo shows.
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