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Spanish Lunches and Projects

29th September 2015 @ 6:06am – by Becky Jewitt
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Special Themes, Projects and Food!

We were treated to a wonderful Spanish Themed Lunch on Tuesday with children and staff trying out flavours from Spain and learning a few Spanish words and phrases along the way! Many thanks to Mrs Hayward for all of the time and effort she put into this special event.

Mrs Bird has taken representatives from Diamond class to a special planning workshop event today linked to the Children's Society's Children's Rights conference which will be held in November as part of Children's Rights Month.

All of the children in Diamond class have been writing on poems linked to the Articles of the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child, which they have been studying together and some of this work will be shared at today's session. I have been thrilled to see some of the children's wonderful poems, which are truly thought provoking and powerful.

Miss Danha has been busy organising new members of two important groups in school this
week. Our Wonderful Worship Leads lead several worship sessions for school last year and
Annie Lowe, Ciara Lloyd Beeston, Emma Mansell and Rai Baxter will be joined this year by
Harrison Saunders and David Cottrell as they work with Miss Danha to build on this work by
sharing Bible Stories with some of our younger children in school and planning more worship
sessions for us to enjoy together.

Our team of Global Ambassadors also made a great start to their roles last year; Libby Rayne,
Maisy Goodwin and Lilia Crowley are joined by Tessa Sullivan and Tom Winter this year. They will
all be playing an important role in helping to plan our Our World Week in school later this term.

News from FASA
FASA's next meeting will take place on Wednesday 30th September at 2pm in the school hall.
Please join us if you can. The FASA team will be planning Spooky Night at this meeting, which
will be held at the Scout and Guide hall on Sunday 1st November. A reminder that the EYFS and
Key Stage 1 disco will run from 4pm -5.15pm and the Key Stage 2 disco will run from 5.50pm-
7pm. Parents are welcome to stay with their children for the EYFS/Key Stage 1 disco.

ABC Childcare
I have had the pleasure of visiting ABC several times this week and have enjoyed seeing children from our
school so happy and settled in their after school clubs. A reminder that ABC's out of school club opens at
7.45am for breakfast club and then again at 3pm until 6pm for after school club. Babies and toddlers can
attend ABC's nurturing nursery sessions, which are all teacher led. For more information, call Lynsey on 01270

Harvest Services
There will be a special Family Harvest Service at St James' Church on Sunday 4th October at 11am. This will be
followed by our school Harvest Service which will take place on Tuesday 6
th October at Church. This service will begin at 9.30am and will last for approximately 45 minutes. Parents/carers are invited to join us at the church. If you are able to help to walk the children down to church from school at 9.15am please let the school
office know. I look forward to sharing this special occasion with you and your children.

Beginning of the School Day
Please try to ensure that children are dropped off at the door of their classroom at the start of the school
day. It is important that classes make a prompt start to their day and parents coming into classrooms in the
mornings can delay this. We are trying to encourage and develop independence in all of the children in school
this would be supported by children being dropped off at the classroom door rather than parents or carers
coming in with the children.
If you would like to discuss something with class teachers please make a note in your child's Home School Book
or contact our school office to leave a message. Thank you.

Homework Policy
Our Homework Policy is reviewed annually and is available on our school website in our policies section (the blue
tab at bottom of homepage). If you have any questions or queries about your child/ren's homework, please
contact their class teacher either via your child's Home School Book or leave a message with our school office.

Bug Busting!
We have had a number of cases of head lice reported since we have returned to school this term. Head lice are
in all schools and we will never eradicate them entirely, however, it is important that we work together try to
eliminate them. Please can all families find the time to have a 'Bug Busting' weekend this weekend so we can get
next week off to a good start? These links give some good advice for parents and carers about this matter: and

School Link Police Officers
As you may be aware, we work closely with Cheshire Constabulary in school and are always looking for ways to
link with them in the work we do to support and guide children and families in our school community. We have
three main links for our school, Sergeant Ian Bennett, PC Sarah Marson and PCSO Nick Jarvis. All three
officers are available to contact via email at, and or via the 101 telephone
number. PCSO Nick will continue to work closely with school through regular drop ins, please look out for him at
the beginning and end of school days – he is always happy to speak to families.

Data Collection Forms
We still have a number of these forms outstanding from families in school. It is vital that we have updated
details in school to ensure we have all of the children's contact details and medical information updated on our
system in case of any emergency. If you have not returned your form/s or need a replacement, please contact
the school office to update your details as soon as possible. Many thanks.

Oxtail and Trotter Sausage Competition
After the success of last year's Audlem Sausage competition, Oxtail and Trotter are inviting children from
school to take part in this year's competition to create their own special sausage recipe. Entry forms are
available on our website (in the newsletters section) and from our school office – good luck to all who enter!

We have been experiencing some issues with our Parentmail system since the start of term; I am pleased to
inform you that these issues have now been resolved. Thank you for your patience with this matter.
If you would like to be set up on our Parentmail email and text system, please contact the school office.

R Jewitt

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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