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Short-ARS on Saturday

22nd November 2012 @ 7:07am – by John Tilling
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Providing the weather is not too horrible between now and Saturday morning, the short-ARS walk on Saturday (November 24th) will be a short circuit starting and finishing at Loggerheads, passing quite close to the site of the battle of Blore Heath in 1459..

The route is about 4.5 miles long, mostly on reasonably flat hard surface tracks and minor roads. There is a stretch across fields at the start, with a few boggy patches but when we walked it on Wednesday, shortly after some heavy rain, it was not by any means impassable.

There are a few stiles in the first part, but not much livestock in the fields.

You will need to wear boots.

We have permission to park in the big car park by the pub at the roundabout in Loggerheads.

We meet in the main car park at 9.30am.

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