This day coincides with Children's Mental Health Week and fits beautifully with the theme this year "My VoiceMatters". We're all different – we all have different things that make us tick and that bring a smile to our face.
"Express Yourself" allows children and young people to celebrate what makes them unique with an incrediblyfun dress-up day – this could be sharing their favourite hobby, such as skateboarding or dancing, or wearingtheir favourite colour or accessory. Or it could just be coming in as themselves. "Express Yourself" is aboutletting children's voices shine through and empowering them to tell their own stories! If you need a littleinspiration, here are some ideas to get you started!
Share what makes you... you and celebrate what sets you apart.
Place2Be, the charity behind Children's Mental Health Week, have produced a leaflet of top tips for parentswhich has been attached to this newsletter.
We have been contacted by Xplorers Weekend Academy who are offering a fun and educational experiencefor children, allowing them to explore the world of technology in an engaging and interactive way.
Start Date: Saturday, January 27th. Time: 10-11 am for Ages 6-8 and 11.15am-12.15pm for Ages 9 – 11
Location: Community Hub. St Annes Catholic Primary School, Nantwich, CW5 7DA
They have not included details about cost but have provided a link if you would like to book -
click st
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