What an incredible week we have had with the school taking part in Town Sports on Monday and Wednesday andshowcasing their amazing talents. It was lovely to have the feel of being part of a school community and being backtogether again this week after so many years without it.
The weather was perfect and all the children did us proud bythe way they conducted themselves throughout the 2 days and showed resilience and resourcefulness as well assportsmanship.
For some of our athletes, it was their first opportunity to represent our school let alone in acompetition with as much prestige!
Audlem pupils did an amazing job across both nights. We were outright winners inthe Group B Track Events and over all we came an incredible second place in our group! This means that next year wewill be in Group A, an excellent achievement.
A huge well done to all who took part and thank you to parents forhelping with the logistics & offering your support to the children.
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