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Remembrance Event at St James Church

29th October 2018 @ 6:06am – by Webteam
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A reminder that each day from 9th to 11th November there will be a display giving details about each of the men whose names are inscribed on the Audlem War Memorial.

It's hoped that through the details and the photos provided, supported by poems and art work by Year 5 at St James School, we can begin to see the men behind the names who gave their lives in WW1.

The display will be open from 10am to 4pm each day (excluding during the Remembrance service on Sunday between 10am and 11.30) and refreshments will be served.

Any voluntary donations received will be divided between the Royal British Legion and the church building fund.

It is also hoped to put on a small display of WW1 memorabilia at the same time in the Lady Chapel. If anyone has any items they would be willing to loan for the weekend please contact Anne Draper on 812960 or email

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