Reub Palin promised a very special night with top Manchester foursome The Rainband performing at the Lord Combermere last night. And how right he was.
Audlem loved The Rainband and, we suspect, The Rainband loved Audlem as drummer Steve Irlam answered the shouts for 'More" with "This is what gigging is all about" as, seemingly, the whole pub was dancing.
We may not have had the Happy Mondays' and X Factor legend Rowetta who sings on their next single 'The Prodigal' – she sent her apologies from Spain – but the Rainband entertained to the full and earned every cheer and the enthusiastic applause from an appreciative audience.
Rowetta may have been elsewhere but there was a bonus as local favourite and sax player, Alastair Mackenzie was called up on stage for a couple of more mellow numbers. "We've become Pink Floyd" announced lead singer Martin Finnigan who seemed to love the mix of sax and The Rainband's own distinctive sound.
The night had started with a short set from new young local band, The Woods, who have been rehearsing hard in the village and impressed with their power and style.
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