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Positive News – All Negative!

11th May 2021 @ 6:06am – by Webteam/CE
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swab squadaudlem public hall

New ATS (Asymptomatic Test Site) @ Audlem Town Hall.

This Test facility started last Wednesday (May 5th), and all 13 people tested negative – ie positive news!

Booking is preferred (see below) but "Drop Ins" are available, subject of course to normal Covid rules.

Kits for home testing (which are also available from Boots in Audlem) may also be provided to anyone who has a booked appointment.

It seems that this testing is widely accepted as the way forward to assess how the overall community is faring in the current pandemic, and the more people that test the better!

Alan Higgs of Cheshire East Test & Trace writes:-

Asymptomatic Testing is for members of the community who have NO symptoms of Covid 19

5 Reasons to get tested regularly:

  • 1 in 3 people who have Covid 19 have NO symptoms but can still spread the virus
  • Positive cases can be identified and isolated to prevent the spread of infection
  • Tests are easy to take and results are received within the hour
  • Tests are accurate, free and available to everyone
  • People who have had the vaccination can still get Covid and spread the virus

Appointments can be booked online: or by calling 0300 123 5032

Audlem Town Hall ATS is open every Wednesday until 30th June, 09.00 – 18.00

Kind regards
Alan Higgs | Cheshire East Council Test & Trace
Operations & Logistics Manager

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