To be held at Audlem Public Hall subject to current Government Social distancing restrictions being in place.
As a consequence places are very limited and any member of the public MUST confirm their intention to attend the meeting in advance to the Clerk as entry will as a result be refused without confirmation. We are trying to establish a 'virtual' option to attend. Please contact the Clerkif you wish to attend 'virtually'.
The agenda for this meeting (which is the Annual General Meeting for the Parish Council) as well as a normal PC meeting can be downloaded here on the PC website.
Also on the PC website are the minutes for the April meeting which can be downloaded here.
The new Clerk to the Council is Owen Hembry, taking over from the interim clerk, Paul Barton.
It has also been announced that future meetings of Audlem Parish Council will be on the second Monday of the month, as follows:-
Future planned dates, 14 June 2021, 12 July 2021. NO meeting in August 2021, 13 September
2021, 11 October 2021, 8 November 2021, 13 December 2021.
It should be noted that meeting dates are subject to change and in view of the ongoing Covid
situation may either be live and or a combination of live and 'virtual' meetings until guidelines
permit otherwise
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