The Parish Council are meeting on Monday 2 December at 7.30 pm in the Methodist Church on Shropshire Street. Below are some of the pertinent items to be discussed.
One of the items on the agenda will be how the Parish Council can work smarter with all of the village communities and groups on how to make the grant application process simpler.
Working Groups
Within the Parish Council, there are now are five working groups. These comprise two External Working Groups, an Internal Group, Finance Sub Committee and Turnpike / Playing Field Working Group. Covered in these groups are:
Parish Council will also be discussing authorising the first stage of the procurement of works for the green car park at Turnpike Field.
If you have anything you would like to discuss with Councillors, you can bring this up in the Public Forum at the start of the meeting.
Many thanks
Suzie Warren
Tel: 01270 811086
Mob: 07809 476523
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