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24th February 2022 @ 6:06am – by Webteam
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AudlemOnline's very existence is to support the local community, its businesses and its civic leaders.

We are very aware that virtually all village/town activity (outside of commercial) is organised and run by volunteers – people that give up their time, are unpaid, and are looking to improve life in the community of Audlem and around.

This is particularly true of our Parish Council. They are all volunteers – some are very new to Audlem, some young, some old. They care. They are short of members. And to repeat, they are unpaid.

So please do not read this article as a complaint.It is intended to be a steer. AoL believes that openness will bring about involvement, as people in the area respond to local issues and challenges – the car parking being the latest to surface, and will surely be solved by a local volunteer approach. (And some money!)

We recently published an article about the now infamous "Adderley Lights". They have cost Shropshire CC some £41,000 to hire for the past 4 years or so.

This is not Audlem's concern or problem – the lights are the responsibility of Shropshire CC – but the bill will ultimately fall to their tax payers.

This information was elicited by a request under the "Freedom of Information" act that has been in place for several years.

At AudlemOnline the editors have received and heard many views and questions of our Parish Council over recent years – without many answers.

Indeed, the last Parish Council election was some 19 years ago, which would have provided an opportunity to understand who our councillors are, and what they wish to achieve.

The two Parish Plans of 2005 and 2010 (especially the former) provided a detailed wish-list of projects and developments supported by the Village, the majority of which became Parish Council objectives, and many of which (including AudlemOnline itself) were successfully achieved.

No such plan has been attempted since then, except the Neighbourhood Plan which focussed more on Planning and similar issues.

We published recently that Hatherton and Walgherton PC has received a Foundation Award from NALC (National Association of Local Councils) If you look at their Website (click here you will find much more information about the councillors and responsibilities.)

The point of this article is simply to ask what are the priorities of the current PC? And to which councillors have they been allocated?

Further, there are also some detailed questions that AoL believes should be answered:-

  • What did the recent possible fraud investigation find?
  • What was the conclusion of the alleged bullying investigation?
  • Why were there so many resignations (Councillors and Parish Clerks)?
  • Is there any plan for using the CIL payment that came from the Anwyl development? It is believed that £29,075 was awarded in 2019 as a Community Infrastructure Levy Fund (CIL), with a five year timescale for qualifying local project(s), or it reverts to Cheshire East.
  • There appears to be approximately £120,000 available for unbudgeted "projects" in the accounts (including the CIL amount). How does this compare with other Parish Councils, and can this be used for new projects? (see )

There are other questions arising from the Budget Report – for example with regard to Longhill Moss (a very large increase in expenditure); also the cessation of receipts for the Public conveniences; and a question on donations to organisations – do we check their financial accounts before we make payments?

AudlemOnline would welcome more Parish Council information to share with our fellow Audlemites.

Editors note:- there will be a further article tomorrow on how Audlem mobilised through combined Parish Council and Community teams to complete major projects for the local community. For example, remember Audlem 700?

AudlemOnline Editors

  • John Tilling
  • Alvar Jones
  • John Down

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