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Opening salvo in Gladman appeal

2nd November 2013 @ 6:06am – by Webteam
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Cheshire East has fired the first shots in its fight to stop Gladman Developments building up to 120 homes in Audlem.

The Local Authority has filled in a questionnaire for Planning Inspector Steven Heyward who is to hold the inquiry

The document offers no preferred date for the hearing but says Cheshire East expects the inquiry to last six days.

The questionnaire advises that it will be essential for the inspector to visit the site to assess the impact on amenity and trees.

It also says that all notifications or consultations have taken place and that all representations from interested parties and planning officers' reports on the application will be posted in due course.

The submission of the questionnaire by October 16th was the first stage in the appeal timetable.

The next important date in November 13th when both parties must submit their 'statements of case' and agree on any common ground.

This helps ensure that the appeal only considers evidence on matters where both parties disagree and time is not wasted on matters that neither side intends to contest.

People can still write to the Planning Inspector if they have any more comments they wish to add. The deadline for comments from interested parties in November 26th.

You can post comments online at the Planning Inspectorate website here and clicking the link 'Comment on this case"

Comments submitted after November 26th may be considered invalid and returned to the sender.

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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