A couple of days ago we suggested that AudlemOnline might just reach 100,000 readers in a month for the very first time, smashing our previous best month of 73,000 readers.
There were three days to go at the time and we expected it to be a close run thing, maybe just achieved shortly before the midnight fireworks illuminated the skies on New Year's Eve.
Thanks to a surge in readership today – maybe you were all clicking on to get us past the post – the 100,000 barrier was breached shortly after 7.00pm this evening.
The founder members of the web team can recall when a 1,000 readers in a month, that's 30 a day, seemed like an achievement almost ten years ago. Now, in December 2014, we've seen over 3,000 readers a day on average this month.
A big thank you to all our readers for your interest and to the many contributors who send in news, arrange events we can report on and make Audlem the extraordinarily vibrant village it is – as many parts of the world have seen on their TVs this month.
This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.
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