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New ëForumí topics on Audlem Online

11th September 2007 @ 6:06am – by Audlem Webteam
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There are three new 'Forum' topics on Audlem Online so click on to 'Forum' on the top horizontal bar and then on the various discussion points. You can simply read what others think or add your own comments.

Joe Hoyles has raised one of the issues. He writes: "I am very concerned about the condition of the leaning wall on the hill down Whitchurch Road. Unless some urgent action is taken I am sure that before long this wall will collapse which could cause serious injury or worse.

"Even in it's current state it forces pedestrians, particularly those with pushchairs, prams or wheelchairs, onto the road where the speed of traffic entering the village can be excessive. I just wanted to raise the matter and see if anyone else shares my concerns."

Indeed 'Mason-ry' seems to be theme of the new topics as Mike Mason wants to kick of a discussion about the number of street signs in the village centre while another Mason, Dave this time, raises the issue of 'To sat-nav or not to sat-nav' and whether it will help or not if the A525 were de-primed and taken off the sat-nav map.

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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