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More on potholes

29th April 2013 @ 7:07am – by Webteam
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Cheshire East Council tell us they have filled more than 21,643 potholes in our roads so far this year – and that now the drive to tackle the problem is moving up a gear.

The warmer spring weather means repairs to the Borough's 2,673km of highways can now really gather momentum – as it is far less effective to carry out repairs in wet and freezing conditions.

They say they are on target to fill and repair more than 50,000 by the end of 2013. And this is where you can play your part – you just need to 'Tell Dave'.

So the council can act swiftly to target the worst problems, members of the public are being encouraged to report all potholes to Councillor 'Dave' Topping – Cheshire East Council's Cabinet member in charge of environment.

A Council report shows 400km of roads managed by CEC are in need of repair. The authority is investing £25m in targeted road repairs and resurfacing works over two years. The aim is to prioritise the defects and roads that are in the worst condition and end the 'cycle of decline' in the road network.

Councillor Topping said: "We have been working really hard to repair the crumbling fabric of our roads – but there is still much to do. That is why we want people to report potholes to the council, so we can target the worst problems more effectively and quickly.

"A measure of our commitment is that we are investing £25m over two years to repair local roads – and this will have a major impact on improving road conditions for local people and drivers."

Worst roads are in south Cheshire

Of the 400km of roads classed as defective in Cheshire East, 25 per cent are in Nantwich, 18 per cent are in Congleton, 18 per cent are in Macclesfield, 17 per cent are in Crewe, 13 per cent are in Knutsford, five per cent are in Poynton and four per cent are in Wilmslow.

You can report a pothole via the Council's website at:
Alternatively, ring the highways team on 0300 123 5020.

Meanwhile, in Australia

One of AudlemOnline's West Australian readers has sent us our second photo. Our correspondent from Down Under says: "This is an Australian back road, something akin to Coole Lane, which I have walked the length of and there are no potholes on this road but it has become slightly uneven due to heavy traffic moving along it's length.

"However due to the unevenness it is due for resurfacing! Having driven a few 100 kms along Australia's roads I have yet to come across a pothole!

"Maybe Cheshire East Council should contact the Aussies to get the technical spec for road surfacing materials in order to improve the standards of roads within Cheshire East? This once colony of ours is sure better on infrastructure than the UK."

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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