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More on the Greater Pewee Hawk

2nd April 2020 @ 6:06am – by Andy Davidson
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The Greater Peewee Hawk

Following yesterday's story about the Greater Peewee Hawk AudlemOnline have been approached by several local bird-watchers keen to establish its precise location so that they can add this rare bird to their life-time bird lists.
We asked the Audlem Wildlife and Ecology Group (AWEG) if they could give us more details but they have steadfastly refused as they do not want the Hawk unduly disturbed.
Accordingly we asked our intrepid reporter, Avril Fouliere, if she could establish the bird's whereabouts. After extensive research she has failed to discover its location but during her investigation Avril did find out that birds do not actually urinate. Apparently they convert their excess nitrogen to a white paste called uric acid which they then defecate along with their other brown waste products in bird poo. This means that they don't need a bladder which makes them lighter when flying.
Avril can confirm from her research that the Greater Pewee Flycatcher (see above) does exist in America but rather thinks that AWEG revelations about the Greater Peewee Hawk were just taking the p--s!

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