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More on the 'Best Kept Village' judges comments

25th October 2006 @ 7:07am – by Audlem Webteam
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Yesterday, Audlem Online started a week-long report on Audlem's win in the Best Kept Village Awards. The details of the judging have now been provided by the organisers of the Community Pride competition. Yesterday's report concentrated on the judges' comments on the village centre, shops and the provision of village information. Today, we move on to the car park, pubs, café and Public Hall.

"The public car park is a very busy area serving many purposes but we always found it to be clean, well maintained and litter free. The recycling bins were well used but we always found the surrounding area to be spotless. This same high standard applied to the public conveniences which were graffiti free.

"The first shop we saw from the car park, the fish and chip shop, looked attractive, again sparkling windows, a litter bin right outside the door and a well planted hanging basket – a good impression to all coming from this car park. All other car parks were well maintained and litter free.

"All the public houses and the café were a joy. All were clean, attractive and inviting to both local people and tourists, particularly to those using the canal and staff were friendly and helpful.

"The village hall, leading from the car park, was immaculate and beautifully maintained and the floral displays are excellent. Obviously a lot of work and pride has gone into this. However, although the frontage from Cheshire Street is no longer used we felt that it needed some attention, particularly the noticeboards, as these can be seen clearly from the main street coming into the village. The Scout & Guide Hall is regularly used and we wish you well in raising funds for improvement." (The judging, of course, took place before external work on the Public hall and the refurbishment of the Scout & Guide Hall was completed.)

Tomorrow's report on Audlem Online will be on the judges' comments on the Church, open spaces and playing field. We will then carry the report on gardens and floral displays on Friday.

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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