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Moats Galore!

19th November 2012 @ 7:07am – by John Whitehead
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On November 15th, the Audlem District History Society had its brief AGM – existing committee re-elected; no surprise there.

However, there was a much better turnout than for the other election held that day! Continuing the emphasis on local history the double bill of speakers provided another very interesting evening.

Celia Bloor offered a work in progress, having discovered that there were a multitude of medieval moats in this area. She illustrated her research with a helpful combination of mapping and photos. 

Elizabeth Huntbach began by showing  a 12th century coin discovered in an ancient post hole at Northwoods Farm where she lived for many years. In 10 years of research she unravelled the fascinating history of this moated site. 

The ADHS Christmas Lunch returns to the Hinds Head at Norton-in-Hales on Tuesday, December 11th. Anyone wanting to go who is not on the list so far is advised to contact a member of the committee asap.

Instead of a speaker, we have arranged a guided tour of the nearby church at 12 noon ( parking in the pub car park).

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