For some time, AudlemOnline has been developing a lost/found list accessible from the home page, to separate these entries from the rest of chatbox, and to take them out of the news list where they don't really belong.
Part of the reason for doing this is that any lost dog or lost cat story can be guaranteed to get a much higher number of "hits" (i.e. readers) than almost any other type of story.
This is nearing fruition, but we were reminded of it a day or two ago when the Guardian (newspaper) celebrated its 200 year anniversary.
It should now be explained that one of the editorial team grew up in London, but his family took the Manchester Guardian (as it then was, although occasionally referred to as the Grauniad) and he has continued to take the Guardian as a daily paper for 60 years.
Anyway, the Guardian reached its 200 year anniversary a couple of days ago, and with the normal paper came a facsimile of the original number 1 issue of Saturday May 5th 1821.
And, as you would expect from a great pioneering Newspaper, created to address all the important Liberal issues of the day, the very first item on the top left corner of the front page is a lost dog "ad".
So we must be doing something right (or possibly left, if we follow the Guardian's principles)!
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