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Keeping our villages vibrant for our grandchildren

23rd October 2009 @ 7:07am – by Chris Thornton
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We're pleased to announce the new local Transition Group's first event:
Saturday, 24 October at Audlem Scout and Guide Hall. All welcome!

There'll be information displays on community-led sustainability and two showings of the film The Age of Stupid. Admission free!

There's a chance to win a Smart Meter worth £30 for measuring your electricity usage. Every person calling in and leaving their name will be entered for the Smart Meter draw.

What's going on?
  • 12 noon – 2.30 pm Information display, tell us your priorities, name the Group.
  • 2.30 – 4.30 pm Film: The Age of Stupid and discussion.
  • 4.30 – 7.30 pm Information display, tell us your priorities, name the Group.
  • 7.30 – 9.30 pm Film: The Age of Stupid and discussion.
(Donations welcome to cover costs of hall and film hire and prize draw.)

Even if you don't have time to see the film – we know there are other events happening on 24th October – if you'll be in Audlem for any reason that day take a few minutes to call in to find out more, tell us your priorities and enter the Smart Meter prize draw.

NameThe Group needs a name. It's open to everyone of all ages from Audlem, Buerton, Dodcot-cum-Wilkesley and Hankelow and it's about acting now, in the face of multiple threats, to keep our villages vibrant for our grandchildren and beyond.

We're a Transition group because there's a movement – to help communities take steps now to adjust to life in the future without oil and with lower carbon emissions ... before changes are forced on us. Help us name the group!

So, how are we making this transition? Well, we've got a few ideas, but we've only just started, so come and let us know what you think we all need to be doing to make our villages places where our grandchildren and great-grandchildren will still be able to live and work.

Growing more food locally, shopping more in the villages, reducing heavy traffic, reducing waste, setting up micro electricity generating schemes, sharing self-sufficiency skills, sharing tools – these are some of our ideas. Come and tell us yours!

FilmThe Age of Stupid, starring Pete Postlethwaite, is set in the near future on a devastated planet earth and looks back to ask why we didn't prevent extreme climate change while we could.

Want to know more before coming to see it? Check out The Age of Stupid web site The film is alarming, but take heart, the point of the Transition Group is not to be overwhelmed by the problem, but to do something practical about it. Come and join us.

On 24th October, whether you just pop in to say hi, or stay to see the film, you'll be putting our villages on the world map on the international day of action on climate change!

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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