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Just Like Old Times at the Fly

7th March 2023 @ 6:06am – by Dave Martin
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music at the flymusic at the fly

Last Saturday afternoon saw The Shroppie Fly host a pop-up acoustic music session, as has happened in the distant past.

Rob Dickinson's idea, with the agreement of Mike & Dale at the pub. The motley crew who attend the regular (for the last 25 years) Monday night music session in the Bridge put the word out across Cheshire and North Shropshire that music was to be had in The Fly on 4th March.

Despite short notice over 20 musicians and singers turned up for three hours of musical mayhem. Instruments included fiddle, whistle, flute, accordion, melodeon, concertina, bones and bodhran. And of course, voices. Surprisingly, not a guitar was to be seen, nor a hurdy-gurdy.

The assorted diners, passing walkers and afternoon drinkers seemed to enjoy the music and the atmosphere. Those that didn't were pointed in the direction of The Bridge!

Such was the success that another might appear in May, but as always, don't expect much notice.

Dave Martin
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