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History Guild Review – Queens Park Then & Now

29th April 2017 @ 6:06am – by Valerie Mackin
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On Thursday 20th April, the History Guild was treated to an interesting and informative talk by local resident Moreen Morgan on Queens Park, then and now. Using a lot of research, old and new photographs, postcards, slides and information collected from family, friends plus, the history of the park was revealed to us.

Through the railway, Crewe was becoming an important town in the country. It was felt that there should be something to celebrate Queen Victoria's Jubilee. The land was given by the railway company, the park was planned by Mr Webb and Mr Moon who are commemorate on the fascia boards on the gate lodges. The park was open 9th June 1888, since then it has been a place to stroll through, play and enjoy. All residents of Crewe and district will remember Sundays listening to bands playing in the bandstand, looking at the beautiful flower beds and strolling around the lake or have a ride on a small steam engine. For a long time you could walk round a first World War tank, now no longer there but two cannons, lions and a monument, plus commemorative plaques for Burma and the Golf War are still to be seen in the park today.

We were pleased to see local resident Nora Bates. When a slag heap was landscaped and incorporated into the park, after a competition Nora's idea of Tip Kinder Park was adopted as the name for this part of the park.

The park was closed for 18 months, for extensive refurbishment and is now back to its former glory, with a new Pavilion and bridge's over the lake so the residents of Crewe can enjoy their park again.

This talk brought back memories for many and was a good introduction the the History Guild's trip to QUEENS PARK in July. Thank you to Moreen Morgan for the interesting tour of QUEENS PARK then and now!

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