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Himalayan Balsam – Help Please

21st June 2023 @ 6:06am – by Steve Elliott
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turnpike field

Himalayan Balsam — Volunteers Please

Turnpike's Himalayan Balsam needs some maintenance this year — primarily down by the boardwalk area. Other areas still contain reasonable amounts which will be left to grow for the benefit of insects.

We're organising a pulling session for Wednesday 10.30 on July 5th. Any later and the flowers will be going to seed. Also, because its next to the brook, we have a duty of care to minimise the spread of the plant onto other peoples land.

Depending on how many people there are it should probably be only a couple of hours.

Usual tools required — gloves, secateurs, rake to push nettles aside etc. Also it is advisable to bring a drink.

Pulling the balsam is quite easy – Pull the plant up by grasping the base of the stem and giving a steady gentle pull. It comes up easily and should bring the shallow roots with it.

Wear a hi-viz jacket if you can — these help in knowing where people are and are not left behind when we finish!!

We strongly recommend gloves and trousers as there are a lot of brambles and nettles around!

So, please contact us at and let us know if you're available.

Regards, Steve

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