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Help chase Cheshire East for pothole damage

28th December 2013 @ 6:06am – by Henry Wheeler
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I'm writing to see if there's a place in the village news for an item that caused me some suffering, inconvenience and approaching £500 in monetary loss.

On the night of November 12th, while driving on Coole Lane towards Nantwich in order to get to my volunteer work at Leighton Hospital, the traffic was unusually heavy on the completely dark, wet road due to a diversion caused by an accident on the Whitchurch road.

Sticking to my side of the road, I struck a pothole over a foot deep and eight feet or so long, causing damage to the car including two alloy wheels, two new tyres (month old), destroyed ball joint and gaiter, and so on.

Another car, red in colour, though too far away from where I could stop, was also apparently damaged by the same hole in the carriageway.

The Council's claims people (in Glasgow!) are refusing my very reasonable claim on the basis that they have fulfilled their obligation of duty of care!

The remarkable part was that the very next day, when I went to take pictures (part of the huge amount of claims paperwork required by them!) the Council appeared to repair this
fissure...even the worker agreed it was well into the carriageway.

What I want to know is if anyone else, or the owner of the other car that was damaged that I know about, had complained or notified the Council about this serious shortcoming in their responsibilities.

If anyone else, other than Mrs. Jones (who had notified them several days earlier) has knowledge of notification or resultant damage, would they please contact me at or 811068.

Any help to make them make good on their responsibility to the public will be most

AudlemOnline adds: The photo is not, of course, in Coole Lane which, we have to acknowledge, has been extensively repaired and resurfaced in the past month or so after numerous stories about the state of that road and is now in a better condition than for many years.

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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