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Healthwatch survey

27th April 2018 @ 6:06am – by Healthwatch
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The Parish Council has received this message from Healthwatch Cheshire East

Healthwatch Cheshire West and Healthwatch Cheshire East, the local independent consumer champions for Health and Social Care services in Cheshire, are conducting a survey to help us to establish our priorities for the coming year.

Each year we ask the public what issues and areas you would like us to focus on and explore in more depth, which along with intelligence from other sources goes into producing our workplan.

The work we do allows us to collect your views and experiences of the Health and Social Care services you receive. In turn this helps to inform the priorities and quality of services commissioned by the NHS and local authorities. Therefore, your response to this priorities survey is very important in helping us to determine what areas we focus on.

We would very much appreciate it if you could spend a few minutes completing this survey to tell us what matters to you in regards to Health and Social Care. The closing date for the survey is Friday 18th May 2018.

To complete the survey click here.

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