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Good Win for Audlem FC

31st October 2017 @ 6:06am – by Ralph Warburton
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Match report .

This is done "in absentia" for I am down south for my number 2 son's birthday. A very happy weekend and having Sunday lunch with Jonathan and his daughters ( my grand daughters) Willow and Honesty. At the Red Cow. Good lunch with fine food . The drive down the M6 and the M1 was good, with no delays and surprisingly few large wagons. And the wealth of trees all there in their glorious autumn leaf colours. England is such a wonderful place in this season as the masses of deciduous trees we have as part of our landscape.

But. To the game . A match versus Market Tavern in the Cup tie that was cancelled last weekend due to soggy pitch.
A good turn out of players with good heart and after a sleep-in following the fall back of the clocks .
Kick off sharp at 1100, on a clear if cooler day .
Free kick taken by Marcus Bell met by Pete Jones who heads Home for a goal .
1-0 to us .
Market Tavern awarded a free kick and they score!
Are we to suffer !
Free kick taken by Marcus Bell. Met by Beco , but his shot just over the bar. Lots of pressure on opponents goal

Second Half

Mo Haroon passes sweet ball to Beco . He moves it on to Joel Cotterell. Joel scores .
Mo comes off and Brad comes on as part of subs planning by Kev Mort
Danny Mahoney sets off on a solo run upfield, aims. Shoots . And scores
3-1 .
Great stuff.
Kev Rodgers comes off and Adam Myers is on.
All subs now used .
Beco , our star player over the years, passes a fine ball to Ross Henderson . Ross puts it away with a firm shot.
4-1 .

Great game. Great result .
Through to the next round of the cup.

Our next match is at Sandbach again , versus Cricketers Arms in another cup tie .
On bonfire day, the 5th.
Let us hope all the explosive play is by our team. This was our third win in succession. A record for our club !!⚽️⚽️⚽️

Ralph Warburton
Audlem F C

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