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First Audlem clamping

3rd August 2011 @ 10:10am – by Alan Duncan of ASET
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As you know the ASET team takes a lot of pride in organising high quality events in the village.  Consequently  we will not tolerate anyone taking advantage of those events in an unfair manner.  We welcome all modes of transport of all shapes and sizes to join us for the Transport Festival on the field from about 1pm.

We were delighted to have been joined this year by the 24 canal boats. It was just unfortunate that the behaviour of one exhibitor meant that there was not space on the field for the canal boats.

The exhibitor in question arrived very early on the field and overstayed their slot. As a team we will not tolerate this selfish behaviour particularly as the ASET team were really looking forward to the challenge of dragging the narrow boats up on to the field.

You can see from the two photos the nature of our actions to address this selfish act as the ASET clampers had to be called in. Fortunately, the exhibitor paid up without argument – by card too!

I hope that you will publish this email and the photographs on Audlem Online as a lesson to all other exhibitors that we (ASET) will act when we think there is good reason to.

PS – The helicopter pilots had a great day, we had a great day and we look forward to welcoming them back next year!

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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