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Do you enjoy the fireworks?

1st February 2006 @ 9:09am – by Audlem Webteam
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Today starts its new monthly Votepoll. Last month we introduced a 'Suggest vote poll' facility and one suggestion to come in was 'Are there too many fireworks displays in Audlem?' Many enjoy the fireworks after the Proms on the Park, on Bonfire night and at midnight on New Year's Eve. Others have campaigned against the displays because of their pets.

With the New Year fireworks, for example, it has been said fireworks were first used in Audlem for the dawning of the new millennium as a one-off event, and are not traditional. The fireworks cause distress for pets and animals at a time when owners are likely to be out of the house and can't look after them and the money spent on the fireworks could be put to better use in Audlem. What do you think?

Last month's Votepoll on parking showed 62% wanted parking restrictions enforced more stringently in the village. You can check the details, and those of all previous polls, by clicking on 'View Results' immediately below the 'Vote Now' box. If you want to suggest a future poll subject, click on 'Suggest vote poll'.

As normal it's one vote per computer. Votes cast by your cats and dogs on the fireworks will be accepted as long as they use their own computer!

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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