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Come and Join us!

4th January 2014 @ 6:06am – by Jon Richardson
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Audlem Voices will be starting rehearsals for their 2014 season on January 7th, so if you have been thinking about finding out what it's like to sing in a choir, this would be a good time to come and enjoy the experience.

You don't have to be able to read music, or have any previous experience of choral singing.

Our excellent musical director, Jenny Collis-Smith, will make it all seem so easy you'll wonder why you never sang in a choir before!

So make it your New Year's resolution and come along to the start of our new rehearsals season. We'll all be learning at the same time, so this will be a good time to start.

Men and women, girls and boys are all are welcome! Rehearsals will be every Tuesday evening at 7:30pm at the Methodist Church.

Jon Richardson
Chairman, Audlem Voices

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