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Change to ARS walk tomorrow

12th October 2012 @ 1:01pm – by Audlem Webteam
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On Monday, Audlem Online published the planned ARS (Audlem Ramblers Society) walk planned for this Saturday, tomorrow. It involved three 3,000-ft peaks and others on the Carnedd horseshoe in Snowdonia, a walk that requires decent weather!

There has, for obvious reasons, been a change of plan. Will Williams writes:

"Due to the terrible weather forecast, I think plan B is a goer. The Carnedd horseshoe walk I had planned has a soggy last quarter so wouldn't be much fun.

Plan B is a 13.5km (8.5 mile) walk from Betws y coed through Qwydr forest, around llyn Elsi to the Ugly house and Swallow Falls. There's a C walk short cut too.

"Sorry it's not very imaginative but without a recce I think it's the safest bet and the river should be impressive after all this rain. If anyone has the pathfinder guide book Snowdonia, Anglesey and the Llyn penninsula Walks, it's walk 22.

"If there are no takers for this dull walk then the hardcore might do plan A but walk back along the reservoir path thus avoiding the muddiest bits."

Departure from Audlem car park at 8.30am tomorrow, half an hour later than the previous time for the Carnedd horseshoe.

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