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Cadair Idris – Ramblers next walk

6th June 2022 @ 6:06am – by Martin Furlong
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Audlem Ramblers Walk Saturday 11th June

Martin Furlong is leading this walk on Cadair Idris; his description is below.

Given the need for a prompt start Martin has requested that you text him on 07922 832109 if you intend to join the walk.


First the good news. I was told that this walk is 10 miles long but it's actually only 10 km, and half of those are downhill.

Meeting Point:
Audlem Public Hall car park.
Saturday 11th June.

Start Point:
Dol Idris car park (£6 all day, card only, facilities and tea room).

Walk Description:

We'll tackle the Cadair Idris horseshoe using the Minffordd path. From the car park there is a stepped ascent through a wooded gorge alongside a waterfall to Llyn Cau before we tackle the climb to Craig Cau (2,595ft) and Penygadair (2,930ft). We then walk along a ridge to Mynydd Moel (2,831ft) before making a steep descent back to the gorge and car park.

The path is mostly steps, loose scree and boulders, is sometimes indistinct and is quite steep in places, particularly on the way down. In total we will climb 2,700ft which sounds like a lot, but if you consider the stairs in an average house rise 9ft then this walk is only the same as going up to bed for 300 days in a row, although this time you will be wearing waterproofs and carrying a packed lunch while in the company of some other like-minded adults.

For those of you who, like me, are not too familiar with Cadair Idris I attach a link ( which provides a fair description of the walk and pictures of some of the stunning views, although during my reccy all I got to see was the inside of a cloud. (Oddly the article is called Walks of a Lifetime but I can confirm that the reccy took me less than 5 hours.)

The link, click here:-

It will take approximately 2 hours to drive from Audlem to Dol Idris and as this part of Snowdonia is likely to be busy (the long-range weather forecast is good), I suggest we aim to leave the Public Hall car park by 7:30am.

NB All walkers must have suitable footwear and be prepared for adverse weather, carry food and water to last for the entire walk and be suitably fit for the various lengths of walk.

Each walk is led by a nominated leader who will carry some first-aid equipment. The leader has the right to refuse to include in a group anyone who is felt not be adequately equipped.

Non-members of Audlem Rambling Society (ARS) are welcome to come on a walk but are expected to join ARS and pay the membership fee after a trial walk or two.

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