Following AudlemOnline's report on Broadband yesterday, we are pleased to publish an updated statement from Cheshire East Council on the roll-out:
Councillor David Brown, Deputy Leader of Cheshire East Council and Cabinet member in charge of strategic communities, said: "The Connecting Cheshire partnership took the decision in 2012 to adopt the national Department of Culture Media and Sport (DCMS) broadband framework as we believed it would ensure an externally audited and more simplified project than if we had developed our own bespoke programme.
"Our contract award to BT, in April this year, was the start of a three-year project that will result in 96 per cent of Cheshire premises being able to access a fibre broadband service by the end of 2015.
"We are currently working closely with BT over the technical evaluation of 'how, where and when', in order to reach as many premises as quickly as possible. We expect to be able to announce which telephone exchanges will be included in the first stage of our roll-out in December, with further announcements thereafter. And we expect it to be completed by spring 2015.
"Extending superfast broadband infrastructure to almost all areas of Cheshire will bring real benefits to businesses and give a real boost to economic growth."
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