All six bells have now been removed from the church tower and are sitting in the John Taylor Bell Foundry in Loughborough awaiting their turn for restoration.
In the diagram, all the bell fittings which are named, excluding the sound bow, will be replaced with new parts. The wheels may be refurbished but if that is not possible then they too will be replaced. The bells themselves, and the oak bell frame, are being retained because of their historical importance.
Whilst the bells are out of the tower, work will be done to strengthen and stabilize the wooden bell frame, parts of which are probably over 300 years old. The frame not only moves within itself, but also moves at its attachments to the tower walls. These factors make ringing difficult and ultimately with the passage of time, impossible.
During removal of the bells, the transmission connecting the clock mechanism to the hands on the east facing clock face was disconnected, so that face is not working. Also, no bells means no chimes for the west facing clock face.
We are hoping to see the bells reinstalled and ringing again by the end of March next year.
Finally, a big thank you to all the villagers who have given money and time to support this historic event.
John Vickers.
Chairman ABRA.
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