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Audlem WI report

6th December 2022 @ 6:06am – by Doreen Hubbard
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Audlem WI held their meeting on Thursday 1st December 2022 at Hankelow Village Hall.

After the singing of Jerusalem accompanied by Jane Stevenson on the piano, Brenda Heathcock, newly elected President, welcomed everyone to the meeting and announced that Doreen Hubbard had taken on the Secretarial role.

The President asked members of the newly formed Committee to come forward and introduce themselves and their roles.

Have Yourself a Wild Christmas

The Speaker for the afternoon was Kevin Reynolds 'Have Yourself a Wild Christmas'. His talk, accompanied with a slide show – Christmas traditions, cards, decorations etc. and why certain birds, animals, flowers appear on our cards. This was a new talk for Kevin incorporating his love of wild life and Christmas. He was thanked by Jean Cook.

We now adjourned for afternoon tea and mince pies as it was a Christmas meeting!

The Secretary read the Minutes from the November Meeting and these were signed as correct by the President.

Annual Lunch

The Annual Lunch will be held on Tuesday 17th January 2023 celebrating 104 years! This lunch will take place at Audlem Methodist Hall, which will be the venue for future meetings.

The Annual Resolutions were read out and the President asked members to think about them and be ready to discuss at the January meeting.

The competition was won by Sheila Jones.

To end the afternoon, Susan Kaufman read out a Christmas Quiz which was won by Jenny Seth and Susan Nixon our two newest members.

The next meeting will be held on Thursday 5th January 2023, 2.00pm at Audlem Methodist Hall, the speaker will give a talk on Bee Keeping. Visitors are always welcome, if interested, please do come along.

The President wished everyone a Happy Christmas and a safe journey home.

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