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Audlem Lass' last sailing day

28th October 2012 @ 7:07am – by Audlem Webteam
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A reminder that this weekend is the last that Audlem Lass will be running its scheduled service in 2012 between Lock 15 and Overwater Marina.

The team tell us that so far this season, and with just yesterday's and today's figures to include, the Audlem Lass has carried the following:

Total passengers carried: 4,107
Donations collected for RNLI: £3,704.95
Assorted dogs, bark, bark, 141
Push chairs and buggies: 26 

The totals look promising when compared with last year's total passengers number of 4,115 especially as Audlem Lass has not had the same amount of school trips this season.

So, grab a last chance for a trip on the canal this year on Audlem Lass before her (and her crews') well-earned rest.


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